Support Us


You can donate money using your PayPal account or credit/debit card.

Bank or credit card

This option enables you to add Gift Aid tax relief to your donation, the tax man will top up your contribution, so we will receive more than you donate (if applicable).

Donate through shopping

Give as you Live Online and Easy Fundraising are free and easy ways to raise money for Wessex 4X4 Response when you shop online with 6,000+ stores. From holidays and travel, to clothing and gifts, you can raise hundreds of pounds from your everyday shopping, all at no extra cost to you.

Equipment & supplies

We welcome individuals and companies who are interested in making financial donations or providing equipment to Wessex 4×4 Response. We greatly appreciate your support as we continuously strive to enhance the training and equipment resources available to our dedicated responders. Please feel free to reach out to our Fundraising team by using the contact form.

Our supporters